Please click on the link to select the paper to download.
1. Albright: Albright.pdf
2. Grant: Grant.pdf
3. Hindmarch and Wood 1. Hindmarch and Wood RSO 1.pdf
4. Hindmarch and Wood 2. Hindmarch and Wood RSO 2.pdf
5. Kerszenbaum and Maugham.pdf. Kerszenbaum and Maugham.pdf
6. Kumar and Rao.pdf Kumar and Rao.pdf
7. Zawoysky & Tornroos.pdf. Zawoysky & Tornroos.pdf
The following training presentations, which describe a number of aspects of the RSO test can be downloaded from the following links:
1. Turbogenerator Rotor winding construcution and faults . 1. Turbogenerator Rotor windings.ppt
2. An Introduction to the RSO test. 2. An Introduction to the RSO test.ppt
3. Details of the TRD200 RSO Reflectometer. 3. Details of the TRD200 RSO Reflectometer.ppt
4. Testing rotors with the TDR200 Rotor Reflectometer. 4. Testing rotors with the TDR200.ppt
5. Interpreting RSO test results. 5. Interpreting RSO test results.ppt
6. Using the TDR200 Reflectometer in analogue mode. 6. Using the TDR200 in analogue mode.ppt